A senior official in the Cairo Electricity Production Company said that the committee of examining the offers of companies under the chairmanship of the resident engineer at the West Cairo steam station is currently investigating the information and its connection to the offer of the Chinese company ZTPC, the lowest price in the package of mechanical fittings contract 118 invalid papers related to the lack of experience precedent of the company in the package
The official told Power News that the committee is currently examining the papers of the company very carefully to verify the authenticity of the papers presented in the presentation, stressing that the Committee will report later to the President of the company for review and confirm the integrity of the report of the Committee
The company allied with one of the local companies has ranked first in the lowest bid offer in the tender 118, and the official confirmed that the Committee will verify the validity of the information contained in the information regarding the implementation status of the critical pipes and at Abu Qir steam station carried out by the company there and there was a breakdown And technical problems in the pipes after that and the site could not get a response from one of the representatives of the company in Cairo to clarify the situation .. The site could not obtain certain information concerning Credibility of the news .. Follow us for more details