كتب وزير البترول والثروة المعدنية المهندس كريم بدوى مقالا منذ قليل على حسابه على منصة اللينكدان أكد فيه شكره لجميع الشركاء بقطاع البترول والثروة المعدنية وقال نقلت رسالة منذ تحملى المسئولية قرابة الستة أشهر مفادها ” نجاحك هو نجاحنا… ساعدنا في مساعدتك على مساعدتنا ” قال الوزير ” كانت هذه رسالة رئيسية كنت أنقلها إلى الجميع مع المبدأ الأساسي للعمل الجماعي والتعاون للاستفادة من القوة المشتركة لجميع الأطراف لجعل المستحيل ممكنًا!.
فيما نص ما كتبه الوزير باللغة الإنجليزية :
It’s amazing how time flies…! Now just over 6months into certainly the most surreal and fulfilling role of my professional career…
I would like to start this post by passing my sincere thanks to all our partners in Petroleum and mineral resources sector.. “Your Success is our success…Help us Help you Help us”. This has been a key message I have been passing along with fundamental principle of tag team and collaboration leveraging the power of the combined strength of all parties making the impossible possible!.
I would like to re-emphasize People are the real key to unlocking the full potential of our natural resources in providing the energy needs, mineral resources and their value added derivatives that are needed in Egypt, the region and the world to fuel growth of all economic sectors to provide a better future for all.. and for that I thank all the teams working around the clock all year round to make this possible safely and in a sustainable way.
As I reflect over the last few months since my previous post I feel so much more is needed to be done yet very grateful to the support of the team and our partners in making progress forward.
Delivering ongoing Energy reforms in Oil and gas sector to improve investment attractiveness with incentives for production and exploration activities acceleration, with new fiscal regimes and gas pricing are starting to yield results and I am very proud to see our partners increasing activity, resulting in reduction in local production decline with positive trajectory forward and an acceleration of Exploration activities…
Welcoming new regional investors and partners in Egypt acting as a platform for growth in Egypt and the East Mediterranean.
Fostering strong regional intergovernmental collaboration with our partners together fostering bilateral complementary relationship to enable partners to unlock and monetize great subsurface gas resources leveraging existing infrastructure of Egypt for the benefit of all.
Collaborating with the Ministry of Electricity to deliver balanced energy mix for Egypt with a revised energy strategy with a goal to reach 42% of renewable energy by 2030.
On the mining sector we have developed our new Gold Eploitation Agreement template that we have Now started to get the regulatory approvals and also the agreement reached with Parliement Industry committee to convert our Egyptian Mineral Regulatory Authority into an economic authority also now entering regulatory approval process which both are key enablers for our efforts to increase the Mining sector contribution to our national GDP.
And very committed for more to come…
Thank you all as you have given me the reassurance that with hard work, collaboration, and resilience we can deliver together a bright future… Thank you..!